Monday 19 May 2014

Spring has sprung! Half-term events & workshops @ Sidcup & Co.

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so quiet - I've just been super busy preparing for half-term week at Sidcup & Co.

The Easter activities went quite well during the week, though in hindsight, holding workshops on a long weekend was possibly not the best idea, with lots of people going away to enjoy it with their families (and rightly so!).

Hopefully, a few longer workshops, some after work, will appeal, so I present to you our programme for 27, 28, 29 & 31 May.

So, why not the 30th? Because that's the launch day for Sidcup & Co. - so come down and meet the traders, try some taster activities and take in a fashion show! More details to follow after election day.

Have a great day!