Wednesday 29 January 2014

DIY zentangle gift boxes

Zentangle boxes are a great way to upcycle something we never run out of - toilet roll tubes - into something fun and functional. Plus doodles are a great way to relax.
Just remember to give the tubes a quick spray of disinfectant first.

You'll need :
toilet roll inner tubes
heavy roller/wine bottle
some circular objects to trace (tin can, small plate, thread spool)
rotary cutter (or any cutter you're comfortable with)
scoring tool
permanent markers
tissue paper and/or twine (optional)

Gently flatten the tube by hand

Use the roller (or wine bottle, if you don't have one) to sharpen the creases

Lightly trace a wide curve at both ends of the tube, using a small plate and a pencil (I've used my cookie cutter tin because it's the perfect size)

 Then cut the ends off with the rotary cutter. Go slowly and keep your fingers out of the way!

Use the plate again to score another, opposing curve at each end. I've used a glue spreader because I don't have a scoring tool. Be resourceful :o)

Use the smaller round object to trace a thumb-sized tab on both ends

Cut the tabs out, pressing the tube together and cutting through both sides

Fold the sides in...

And presto! We have a dinky little box :o)

To do the zentangles (a fancy word for 'relax by doodle'), I traced the folding creases on both sides (just because I think they look neater that way), then doodled away. I've left the folding sides blank on one side as they will be folded in first.

There you have it! A limitless supply of tiny gift boxes, whenever you need one. They're much nicer and sturdier than wrapping paper, cheaper than store supplied jewellery boxes, unique and personal

For extra security, wrap the gift in tissue paper before placing in the box. Then tie it up with some ribbon or twine (I'm addicted to twine...)

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